Proofreading & Editing Services UK and Worldwide


The Writing Clinic is a small band of UK native English speakers who are highly experienced in Proofreading & Editing, and in all aspects of academic writing assignments from high school up to Ph.D. level. We are dedicated to helping both English speaking students and also foreign students from all around the world. Our Proofreading & Editing service is designed to save you money, time and stress.

We do not make lots of promises, we don’t employ 1000s of writers and we do not offer the lowest prices. However, we always do what we promise. Our Proofreading & Editing service is especially designed to assist those foreign students who are not native English speakers. We can teach you to improve your English while Proofreading and Editing your assignment. Our tuition is absolutely free!

At our UK Proofreading and Editing service, we really care about you and your grades. We will never ever make false promises to you. Our name and reputation are so important and our goal is that you will be so happy that you will refer us to your friends.

Our prices start at £6 a page. How so cheap? Many of our UK writers are teachers or university lecturers… we already earn an income… we just love writing; it’s fun for us!

Our UK Proofreading and Editing writers will provide you with a genuine 100% guarantee which will conform to UK law. We will know your name and you will get to know your writer. It’s all about trust!

Contact the Writing Clinic today, we promise to take care of you!